Preschool Story Time and Wiggle Worms continue through March at the Oakdale Library, 151 S. First Ave., Oakdale.
Wiggle Worms Story Time is perfect for ages up to 3 and their caregivers. Join in every Tuesday morning in March, at 10:30 a.m. Enjoy stories, music, dancing, rhythm activities, and more, as little ones learn to love reading with people they love.
Preschool Story Time sets the stage for Kindergarten with books, flannelboard stories, fingerplay, and music geared to children ages 3-6, and caregivers. The program will meet every Wednesday morning in March, at 10:30 a.m. for fun and learning. Join in and get a jump on early education.
Don’t miss out on the huge and wildly popular Friends of the Oakdale Library Used Book Sale. There will be an amazing collection of donated books and great bargains to choose from. Stop by the Gene Bianchi Community Center at 110 S. Second St., (across the parking lot from the Library) from Tuesday, March 12 through Thursday, March 14 for the event. Doors open at 10 a.m. all three days. You will find books like new and old collectibles, all for a low, low price.
The Friends of the Oakdale Library are the main sponsors of many of the local branch programs and prizes, as well as support for book collections and fixtures. They constantly promote and encourage the great gift of literacy at all levels for everyone.
The second program in the library’s Adult Learning Series will focus on a topic that has or will touch most of us in one way or another sometime in our lives. An ‘Understanding Alzheimer’s And Dementia’ workshop will be of interest to anyone who is a family member, caregiver, or friend to someone facing this devastating disease. The program is scheduled on Thursday, March 14 at 10 a.m., as a speaker from the Alzheimer’s Association will help attendees understand risk factors and stages, current research and treatments available for some symptoms, and Alzheimer’s Association resources available with help and support. This is a free program; call the Oakdale Library at 209-847-4204 for information.
The library is offering two Lego Days this month. Kids can create their own masterpieces using the library’s fabulous Lego collection and then they will display these great works in the Library. The building fun begins at 3 p.m. on Friday, March 8 and 22.
The Wee Move And Play program, featuring unstructured imaginative play for little ones, 5 and under, will be Mondays, March 11 and 25, at 11 a.m. Parents can help their children learn social skills and have fun at the same time.