Community members craving a generous portion of corned beef need not look far or wait until the traditional Saint Patrick’s holiday to satisfy their hunger. On Saturday, March 5 Oakdale and Riverbank members of Mater Christi YLI (Young Ladies Institute) #140 will host the 45th Anniversary serving of their Corned Beef Dinner.
The annual event will once again be hosted at St. Mary’s Church Parish Hall, 1225 Olive St., Oakdale between the hours of 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $7 for children ages 6 to 12 and children 5 and under are free. Take out dinners are also available.
In keeping with tradition, diners will be treated to generous servings of cooked corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes, carrots and bread, the latter compliments of Moss Rose Bakery in Oakdale. Dessert and beverages will also be available.
“We’ll be cooking 350 pounds of corned beef,” YLI member Patti Dillon said, noting that an order of three cases of potatoes, three cases of cabbage and two cases of carrots has also been placed.
“It’s quite the production,” Dillon said of the kitchen prep which will begin early on Saturday in order to feed all their guests.
“It’s a big operation. This is our longest running fundraiser,” YLI member Helen Quaccia said of the annual event, sharing that last year over 250 persons were served.
“We also sell tickets for the 50/50 ‘Pot of Gold’ raffle,” she continued. “Proceeds from the event go toward our Grand President’s Project. This year the project chosen was feeding children. We send checks to two local food banks.”
The members shared that since the YLI #140 membership is comprised of Riverbank as well as Oakdale members checks are sent to a food bank in each respective city.
This year the women opted to host the event a bit earlier so as not to compete with other Saint Patrick’s events or corned beef dinners.
Tickets for the annual fundraiser are available from any YLI member or may be purchased in advance by calling 847-1414 or 324-8543. Tickets are also available at the door. Participants need not be present to win the ‘Pot of Gold’ Raffle.