Final Summer Concert
The last of the Friday night Concerts in the Park series sponsored by the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce is set for Friday, Aug. 25 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Dorada Park, corner of A Street and North Second Avenue. Local favorite Remedy is due to perform. Bring your lawn chair and picnic to enjoy a Friday evening in the park; remember, no glass bottles allowed.
Women’s Club Tea
Oakdale Women’s Club will host its Second Annual New Membership Tea on Thursday, Aug. 31 from noon to 2 p.m. The event will be hosted in the Member’s Lounge of the Oakdale Golf and Country Club, 243 N. Stearns Road, Oakdale. Oakdale Women’s Club is a not for profit organization whose goal is to promote civic improvements for the City of Oakdale. The tea is free to the community. For additional information on the club visit or visit their Facebook page. To RSVP call (209)342-0281.
Sip, Taste Tuesday
The annual Taste of Oakdale hosted by the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce is set for Tuesday, Aug. 29 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Bianchi Community Center at 110 S. Second Ave. will host a variety of booths, all focused on providing attendees with tasty bites and savory sips. There will be microbrews, wines, bakery items, American, Mexican, Italian food and more. Tickets are available for $25 each pre-sale and are $35 at the door. More information is available by contacting the Oakdale Chamber at 209-847-2244 or email
Museum Hosts Bunco
Oakdale Museum and History Center will host its 2017 Bunco Fun Night on Thursday, Aug. 31 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event will be hosted at the Gene Bianchi Community Center. The event is open to all community members, including those new to Bunco, who will be taught to play. A $20 donation is requested and will include snacks and prizes. To confirm a seat and a table call (209) 844-5161.
Auditions Scheduled
YES (Youth Entertainment Stage) Kidettes is seeking students in first through fifth grades to be actors, singers, and dancers for Disney’s “Winnie the Pooh Kids.” Open auditions will be held on Thursday, Aug. 24 at 4:30 p.m. at the Johansen High School Auditorium; Saturday, Aug. 26 at 11 a.m. at the Downey High School Auditorium; and Thursday, Aug. 31 at 4:30 p.m. at the Modesto Junior College Auditorium. Attendance at only one audition is required. No experience or preparation is necessary. All audition materials will be provided.
Sail To Recovery
Sign up now to take a veteran sailing on Saturday, Sept. 23 with the Sail to Recovery program of the local American Veterans First organization. The event is planned from noon to 5 p.m. at the Stockton Sailing Club, 4980 Buckley Cove Way in Stockton. Registration is being accepted now and volunteers with boats are also being sought; you can volunteer your boat and register as a skipper. The mission of American Veterans First is to provide effective sailing therapy for traumatized and wounded veterans. For more information about the program, call Duke Cooper at 209-652-7627.