After a weekend meeting, on Sunday, March 6, the American Civil War Association announced that an agreement had been reached with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the previously cancelled war reenactments for Knights Ferry Civil War Days set for March 19 and 20 has been reinstated.
“We were able to work out all the details,” said ACWA President Stephen Aguirre on Monday, March 7. “Now we’re good to go.”
Aguirre had previously stated that there were some disagreements in the “inner workings” of a special permit process and new restrictions by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
With the weekend meeting organizers and officials were able to overcome previous barriers so the event could continue for its 28th consecutive year.
US Army Corps of Engineer officials had stated one of the hurdles was the collection of a “parking donation,” but Aguirre said the real issue was traffic flow in and out of the event and not on any parking fee or associated issue.
The announcement is a relief to local Knights Ferry residents who had planned a spaghetti dinner as part of an annual fundraiser and were worried about attendance.
“The Spaghetti Dinner and Roadhouse will get their dinner traffic,” Aguirre assured. “That’s another good thing about this event being back on.”
Aguirre said his association was looking forward to being back out at Knights Ferry and encouraged the community to attend. He said his group consisted of historic patriots that were preserving and fostering awareness of US history.
“It’s educational,” Aguirre said. “History can sometimes be dry in books. This event comes alive.”