Members of the Oakdale City Council have approved an update to the city ordinance concerning city signage that provides more guidelines to prevent visual blight.
The new regulations are structured to control the number, placement, size and height as well as types of signs that adhere to community design standards, and discourages visual clutter.
The new changes include:
Attention-getting signs, such as flag signs, banners, pennants, streamers, spinners, balloons and inflatables, will be permitted on-site as the public felt they were vital to smaller businesses that do not have direct access to a major road.
Electronic message board signs will be subject to a major use permit but will not be allowed to blink or flash, though they could display changing messages that last at least 60 seconds.
Master Sign Plans (MSP) will be required for any site with four or more businesses or tenants, which is a change from the previous requirement of three or more businesses.
New and used automobile lots can apply for additional signage via permit.
The maximum height of any monument or mounted sign shall not exceed 20 feet, nor project above the roofline of any building to which it is attached. Wall signs cannot project more than eight inches from the supporting wall and no display messages shall be permitted on the edges of the wall signs except for the sign company’s identification. Also, no sign may present a vehicular traffic hazard.
Permittees who disregard the sign ordinance will be subject to written notice to comply, followed by forcible removal at the permittee’s expense. The City reserves the right to remove any sign or other advertising structure that presents an immediate threat to people or property without notice.
In other action at their Monday night meeting, May 7, the council approved a resolution authorizing Oakdale City Police Chief Scott Keller to contract with Command Strategies Consulting to provide consulting and investigative services to the police department in regards to background checks done on perspective cannabis permittees at the police chief’s discretion.
The contract term approval will increase the FY 2018/19 Operating Budget by $15,000.