The Odd Fellows are going to have a Cribbage tournament on September 20th at their hall on Main Street. There is a $25 entry fee. Food and drinks will be available. Watch this column for more information.
It is good to see Wes Haskell-Kelly out and about on crutches. He still cannot put any weight on the broken leg.
At the MAC meeting last Thursday, Scott Wucherer was appointed the new MAC member. Eric Ulrich thanked the community for helping fix the broken pipe when he was out of town. Eric also just picked up the water plans for the Honchariw subdivision on Cemetery Road. He hadn’t time to look them over. Honchariw will need a lift station and pump to get water up Cemetery Hill. Carol Davis reported the pipeline by Oakdale Irrigation District will be started across the cemetery in a few weeks. The Community Garden behind the I.O.O.F. Hall looks terrible. Has it not been watered? Under Old Business a trash receptacle in the Plaza was again discussed. The county will provide a post to lock it on but will not empty it. Local businesses will be contacted to see if a schedule can be worked out. Rodney Owen, Secretary of the Masons, showed pictures of the proposed chair lift to get members up the stairs of their hall. It passed the MAC inspection. Under New Business the need for No Parking Zones was going to be checked out. If a person wants to get on the agenda of the MAC call Dolly Haskell, Secretary, at (209) 681-2402.
The Knights Ferry Odd Fellows will be putting a new roof on their building in the coming weeks.
Knights Ferry School received $975.31 from Save Mart and Raley’s SHARE cards over the summer. Keep using them as it is a painless way to get funds for our school.
Remember Sunday the 7th is breakfast in the Ferry and the Flu Clinic.
Coming home from Oakdale Friday night we passed a fire on Orange Blossom and Rodden then another fire in the 14000 block of Orange Blossom. No fire trucks were on scene yet. When we got home the power was out and the groceries had to be put away by flashlight! Three hours later it came on and just as I reset the blinking clocks it went out for another three hours!
Don’t forget the Community Club meeting tomorrow, Thursday, September 4th at 6:30 p.m.