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Knights Ferry News Week of October 29, 2014
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This Friday, October 31st, will be the annual parade of Knights Ferry children going trick-or-treating on Main Street. It will start at 12:15 with the children coming down to Main Street in their costumes. Many folks gather to hand out candy and see the costumes. It is a fun time!


Hurry and heal from your surgery Phil Frymire!


Was that Elvis at the 50’s Roadhouse last Saturday? Sounded and looked like him!


Sunday is the BIG day in the Ferry. It is the 51st annual Pumpkin Roll! The day starts with the Odd Fellows serving breakfast starting at 8:00 a.m. in the I.O.O.F. Hall with ham, eggs, pancakes, juice and coffee on the menu. The Community Clubhouse will be open with craft booths inside and on the tennis court. All Knights Ferry students will have their Fall Art Projects on display in the Museum and Library at Miller’s Hall. Sign-ups for the rolling start at 11:00 a.m. in front of the clubhouse. The 5 and under children will roll at noon on the tennis court and then at 1:00 p.m. the seniors start rolling on the street. Since the county over laid the street we will see what happens to the pumpkins. After the seniors, the boys and girls, teenagers and women and men will roll. Winners are the persons who get the pumpkin closest to the line, and they get a genuine simulated gold trophy.

While in town for the Pumpkin Roll, check out the many places to get a bit to eat and see what has been happening to some of the buildings. The Odd Fellows have a new roof, Miller’s Hall has new gutters, the Masons have new steps, Kirkpatrick’s have removed their trees, and River Journey has a spiffy building. It is always a fun day!


November dates for your calendar: The 2nd – Pumpkin Roll; Nov. 6th, Community Club Dinner meeting at 6:30p.m.; Knights Ferry Garden Club will meet at Mary Sue Shearer’s home November 12th. The annual Feast put on by the Knights Ferry seventh and eighth graders will be November 25 and is open to the Knights Ferry community. There are no MAC meetings in November and December due to the holidays.