Spring is in the air-literally! The sandhill cranes have been going over in big waves on their way north.
Welcome to the world Addyson Nunn, born February 10th to Renee and Justin. Grandparents are former Knights Ferry residents Cliff and Cheryl Hodge. Addy joins big brother Joseph and big sister Clare at home.
Maureen McKibban is home recovering nicely from knee surgery. Keep up the exercises and get out and about soon!
At the meeting of the Museum and History Associates the upcoming Civil War was discussed and they decided to have the Museum open both days. The April Peddlers Faire is coming along with vendors reserving their spaces. Call Gayle at 480-3602 if you have antiques or hand made crafts.
The Knights Ferry Community Church is having their Lenten Soup Suppers every Wednesday until April 9th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Knights Ferry School Dinner and Auction was a fun time! The theme was black and white with lots of black and white outfits. Manny Arias from the 50’s Roadhouse was the bartender. John and Shelli Borba and family cooked the food. People from Kohl’s Cares scurried around seeing that everything ran smoothly. David Voortman, Chairperson and his committee, Kim Banks, Sarah Sundberg, Jolene O’Neil, Megan Peterson and Tasha Sweet did a great job as did committee members Kim McCarthy, Denise Harden, Bonnie Witzke, Dara Patton, Corrine Anderson and Heather Voortman. The silent auction items were set up outside and there were many, many items! Committee members sold raffle tickets and then after a delicious steak dinner the live auction took place. Auctioneer Jason Hixon kept the patter up and cajoled the bidders to go higher. The Kindergarten class project was a Rainbow Quilt. First Graders personalized a park bench. Second Grade made a framed hand print picture (beautiful). Third Grade designed a chicken coop, helped make it, and put their hand print signatures on it. Five chickens were added to the project. Fourth Grade made planter boxes from redwood from Miller’s Hall and did the work themselves. Fifth Graders did a flower portrait, researched, drawn and colored by the students. The Sixth Grade burned their names into the sides of a wine barrel that was turned into an ice chest. The Seventh Grade antiqued a table and the Eighth Grade refurbished a hinged table. There was a lot of lively bidding!
Don’t forget the Civil War reenactment this weekend. Saturday’s battles are at 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. with the Community Club’s spaghetti dinner at 5:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. Sunday’s battles are at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.