Knights Ferry News by Mary Sue Shearer Here is the June 26, 2013 column that evidently got lost in cyberspace.
Bill and Ellen Wearin just returned from a family vacation (yes, all the family made it) to Disneyland. Many miles of walking, seeing spectacular shows and riding all the rides made for an exhausting adventure but one to be remembered by all. Four-year-old Bailey (granddaughter) loved the Princesses best while seven-year-old Payton (grandson) couldn’t get enough of Goofy’s Roller Coaster. Bill’s back will never be the same after riding it three times in a row. Madeliene, Emily and Wyatt (grandchildren) loved the Hollywood Hotel, the Matterhorn and the shopping. Amanda’s family, with grandma in tow (Ellen) then headed for San Diego to visit Sea World, the Zoo and Safari Land. San Diego cannot be visited without a trip to the beach. The ten days went quickly with good food, good company and good times. As Ellen Wearin said when asked about her favorite part “It’s about making memories that families can share and hold in their hearts forever, that’s all that really matters.”
Kristen Barrett, former Knights Ferry School student, graduated from the University of Santa Barbara with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History.
The River’s Edge Restaurant received a five star rating from “Talk of the Town News. ” They got an excellent in customer satisfaction.
Thanks go out to Bob Muller for repairing the back steps to Miller’s Hall.
June is drawing to a close so here are some dates for your calendar: Wednesday, July 3, the Community Club’s annual picnic at the pecan grove at the Knights Ferry Rec. Area at 6:00p.m. The club will provide the hot dogs, buns and drinks. Lee will provide the beans. Attendees with last name A-M bring salads or sides and N-Z bring desserts or nibbles. All are welcome! Sunday, July 7th is Breakfast Sunday in the Ferry starting at 8:00a.m. Tuesday, July 9th is the meeting of the Museum and Historical Associates at Miller’s Hall at 9:00a.m. Also it is movie night on the tennis court. Thursday, July 11 is the Knights Ferry School board meeting at 6:30 at the school. Thursday, July 25th is the MAC meeting at the clubhouse at 7:00p.m.
July 3, 2013 news
The movie for July 9th will be Walt Disney’s “The Castaways” with Haley Mills. Show time is dusk. Bring blankets and chairs and refreshments are available.
At the Municipal Advisory Councils June meeting last Thursday, Cliff Howse was sworn in as the new member of MAC. The status of the A.T.& T. building was reported on- there are no funds for this year to move ahead so it is on hold until next year.
Kevin Burns and Sarah Brock were married June 28th at the River Mill in a lovely double ring ceremony. Landon Burns was his brother’s Best Man. The newlyweds will make their home in Ripon after a honeymoon in Kona, Hawaii.
Bev Noe was honored with a retirement party given by Bonnie Witzke and Cheryl Griffiths. Bev worked 35 years at Knights Ferry School. Friends and family and former KFS employees enjoyed the dinner in her honor.
The Martinelli family held services for their dog, Fred, who passed away. Fred will be missed in town.