Welcome to the world Ambreilla Eileen Boyer, born December 3 to Stuart and Rose Boyer. She weighed in at 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 inches long. She joins big sister Adaya at home in Polson, Montana.
There will be a Oakdale Rural Fire Board meeting December 16 at 10 a.m. at Station One In Oakdale across from Haidlen Ford on East F. The Board has hired someone to look into the survey on the Knights Ferry Station and what it is worth. We need to protect our station!
Welcome to Knights Ferry School Brittany Sterba. She is the new aide for the 3rd and 4th grade class.
There was a large turnout for the Christmas dinner at the clubhouse. The Oakdale High School Show Choir and Concert Choir performed and were quite a hit! It was a great start to the holiday season.
Denise Ray celebrated her birthday with dinner at the River’s Edge.
Friday the 12th is movie night at the clubhouse. Wear your pajamas and bring your pillow. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Since Knights Ferry School has small class sizes, the faculty decided to have the Student of the Month be Student of the Trimester. Those selected this time are: Kindergarten-Tristan Voortman, First Grade-Tristan McCarthy, Second Grade-Lupita Pineda, Third Grade-Levi Dickens, Fourth Grade-Jessica Martinez, Fifth Grade-Luke Dickens, Sixth Grade-Jude Krick, Seventh Grade-Matthew Wolf and Eight Grade-Alyssa Sisco. Congratulations!
Knights Ferry held their annual Christmas Parade (with only two weeks notice) Sunday. It was led by Ben Cassinetto on his train (tractor) pulling a trailer full of children and adults and Santa! Following were Lee Shearer in “Gertie”, Cindy Davis and Cory in the Shearer golf cart, Jim Rotelli and “Gee Whiz” in his gator, the Rancheria Fire Truck with the Brunkers, Davis Voortman and Liam, Tracy Griesner and Jordan (elves), Dakota and Tristan Voortman and Breanna Banks on decorated bikes, Dave R. on a big wheel bicycle, Mark Wilson and Jamie Braaton on their decorated golf cart, Eric Sinkevich on a motorcycle and the Richeys in their old Cadillac. It was quite a sight!
As Knights Ferry School ended their first Trimester, awards were given out to those who had straight A’s. Those students were: Dylan Anderson, Luke Dickens, Hayden Sundberg, Denali Benson, Nicole Brunker, Dean Dodge, Jude Krick, Matthew Wolf, Brooks Bonde, Wyatt Dickens and Alyssa Sisco. Great job!
The School program will be December 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse.