The Knights Ferry Garden Club selected winning posters for the Smokey Bear contest. They will be sent to the State for judging there. The winners received prizes from the club. First Grade winners were: first place- Tristan Voortman, second place- Weston Sundberg and third- Samantha Blanc. Second Grade winners were: first place- Holly Conde, second- Josh Maceira and third- Bryce Anderson. Third Grade winners were: first place- Lily Sturtevant, second- Paul Chiara and third- Lupita Pineda. Fourth Grade winners were: first- Carson Sundberg, second- Wyatt Souza and third- Aubrey Mendonca. Congratulations all!
At the meeting of the Knights Ferry History and Museum Associates the upcoming Peddler’s Faire was discussed. It will be April 24th. This is the 25th year of the Faire! Also on the agenda was the heating and air fund. An electrician is needed to upgrade the building before the unit can be installed. Carol Davis told of Betty Irvine turning 100. She painted the backdrop of Lover’s Leap in the church.
The Voortman family took their “summer” vacation over the winter time off of school and went to Southern California to tour around. They really enjoyed viewing the Rose Parade floats after the parade where they saw them up close and could see how they were made. Also Happy Birthday David!
Condolences go out to Dick Muniain on the death of his cousin Cecil Muniain. Cecil and his father and brothers herded sheep in the Ferry and Cecil attended Knights Ferry School.
Knights Ferry School will be having Robotics days January 26 and 27. The County Office will teach Lego Robotics to all grades.
The big fundraiser for Knights Ferry Parent/Teacher Club is coming! March 12 is the date for the silent/live auction and dinner.