Birthday greetings for the month of October go out to: Jim Boyer, Carol Davis, Bev Noe, Dick Muniain, Lisa Dolling, Nathaniel Van Ryn, Mike Ohe, Lis Whalen, Alec Ray, Lisa Fogarty, Andrew Schlegel, Austin Page, Dusty Hobbs, Bailey Stepp, Merna Jergentz, Ivan Garcia, Sydney Turner, Nicholas Gonzalez, Jenna Dickens and Jonathan Wheat.
The Knights Ferry School Board meeting is Thursday, October 15th at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. The Superintendent of Stanislaus County Education, Tom Changnon, will speak on Destination Graduation. Also the two persons wanting to be a board member will be there.
Congratulations Scott and Stephanie Wucherer on the birth of a baby boy, Rowan. He joins sister Autumn at home in the Ferry.
The annual Knights Ferry Pumpkin Roll will soon be here. It will be on November 1st, the day after Halloween. The day starts with breakfast at the Odd Fellows Hall, a craft fair inside and outside of the Community Club, rolling signups begin at 11:00 a.m.; the 5 years and under roll on the tennis court at noon, the rest start on the street at 1:00 p.m. There will be food booths and T-shirts besides the crafts. Genuine simulated gold trophies are awarded for the person in each division that is closest to the line.
Saturday saw a large gathering at the Oak Grove Cemetery. The relatives of John and Barbara Clark (Lee Shearer’s cousins) cemented the headstone of Barbara. John and three friends that always fished together made a pact to be buried together, with the tombstone saying “Gone Fishing” and that had just been delivered. Flowers were laid and wine was drunk in their honor by all the four’s relatives. A picnic lunch followed.
The Knights Ferry Garden Club met at the clubhouse to finalize plans for making Pumpkin Rolls. There will be a price increase because eggs and other items have escalated in price. Profits take care of the Plaza and give an OHS student a scholarship.