Orange Blossom Road was the scene of an accident, on the turn by the Shook and Dias homes. Seems a truck hauling two trailers of almonds took the turn too fast and the back trailer overturned, spilling the load of almonds into the ditch. The critters (two- and four-legged) will enjoy the almonds.
Also on Orange Blossom Road last Friday night a pole and wires were down in the 13000 block, with a small fire, and the road was blocked in both directions. Power was out for about five hours in the area.
Thursday, September 3rd, is the Community Club potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. Speaker will be Dr. Janet Skulina, new Superintendent/Principal at Knights Ferry School. Come and welcome her to the community!
Last week Carol Davis and Gordon Griesner received word that their cousin Richard Yeager had passed away. He attended Oakdale schools and later taught at Oakdale High School before moving to San Jose. He and his family retired to the Rocklin area.
September 9th at the Oakdale Saddle Club at 7 p.m., there will be a Meet the new Candidates for the Oakdale Irrigation District Water Board, Linda Santos and Gail Altieri. Come listen to what they have to say.
Condolences go out to the Roy Banducci family on the death of Roy.
Sunday, September 6th is Breakfast Sunday in the Ferry at the Odd Fellows Lodge on Main Street.
Knights Ferry School is looking for a new board member to replace Sean McCarthy. Give the school office a call if interested.
Since school has started, so has collecting Box Tops for Education. At the end of the year the class that has collected the most will win a pizza party.
On the weekend cars are parked outside the String Of Pearls parks on Orange Blossom Road and can be a hazard to drivers. Please watch out for people illegally parking.
The 3rd and 4th grades at KFS went to Jamestown to ride the train and tour the roundhouse. They got to stand on the turntable and be turned around. They had a picnic at the Railtown Park. It was a fun trip!