Your reporter had a rattlesnake experience! Walking to the back door, a rattler was slithering from the flowerbed to the back door also! Grabbed a shovel and pinned it to the ground just short of the porch and called (more like screamed) for Lee. He cut its head off with the pruning shears. It was about 2 feet long and was very fat! Came from the same place as last year’s rattler. I am sewing now, not working in the yard!
Knights Ferry School starts August 13th at 8:15 a.m.
At the School Board meeting the new Kindergarten teacher is Kim McCarthy. She had a preschool in the Ferry and works well with the children. Her husband Sean resigned from the School Board, a conflict of interest. The school needs a replacement on the Board so if you are interested and live in the district, write a letter stating why you are interested and give it to the school. It is a two-year position. The new secretary is Anita Ivaschenko. Diane Noon is the new Clerk of the Board.
Have you been hearing the booms? According to the Sonora Union Democrat, Glen White, a science instructor at Columbia College was curious and found the probable answer to the mysterious booms, the U.S. Army ammunition storage depot in western Nevada. It destroys obsolete munitions for the Department of Defense year round during the workweek from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The energy waves from the explosions bounce off the atmospheric layers and can travel.
The Knights Ferry School Board will meet Thursday, August 13th. Come and meet the new Superintendent/Principal.
At the last Community Club meeting the need for new Air and Heat units was discussed and bids for the job are being taken. The upcoming Pumpkin Roll and sales of T-shirts was discussed and it was voted to sell them again.
Carol Davis has returned from a family celebration of her son Bruce’s birthday at her cabin in the mountains.
This is still a high fire area so please no campfires along the river!