The skunks are coming out looking for mates and some are ending up as road kill. The recipe for de-skunking your dog is one quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/3-cup baking soda and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap. With a cloth, wash it into the fur and leave for a few minutes then wash off. This needs to be done within four hours of skunking. I keep the ingredients on hand always!
Thanks to Chris Peterson and his crew for removing the dead and dying trees by the clubhouse. On one, even the mistletoe had died. They were becoming a danger to property and people. It was done in less than 3 hours and Chris had a lot of help.
Knights Ferry Garden Club will meet at the home of Cindy Dias on Orange Blossom Road on Wednesday, February 11, at 10 a.m.
Family and friends attending the service for Glenda Maisel found the church packed, standing room only. Most of Knights Ferry was there. It was a nice service. Glenda will be missed.
Knights Ferry School has a new student, Ryan Verkaik. He is in the Fifth Grade.
There was a nice crowd for breakfast on Sunday at the I.O.O.F. Hall. Remember next month the price will increase to $6.00 for ham, eggs, hot cakes, juice and coffee.
There are almond blossoms out already. This is early!
Knights Ferry School received $433.47 from SHARES cards for the last three months and $744.98 from Raley’s. This is really an easy way to support the school. If you don’t have those cards see Arijaan at the school’s office.
Hurry and get that knee working Carol!
Knights Ferry Community Club will have a dinner meeting Thursday, February 5th at 6:30 at the clubhouse. It is starting the busy season with the Spaghetti dinner in March and the Car Show in April. Come out and support your community!