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Knights Ferry News
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Knights Ferry School started the new year with 87 students. Things are moving fast. The 6th Graders will be going to Outdoor Education on September 29-Oct. 3rd. Back to School Night will be Thursday, August 28th with each teacher giving a 25 minute presentation in their classrooms, starting with Kindergarten at 5:30 p.m. then progressing through the grades. The teachers will present their daily routines, rules and information on Common Core. The Knights Ferry School Band will begin September 2nd. An informational meeting for new band members will be Thursday, August 21 at 1:30 p.m. in the library. Parents are encouraged to attend.
Pat Johnson, 3rd and 4th Grade teacher, visited her son Will and his wife Anna in Coos Bay, Oregon, this summer and toured the Oregon Coast. Pat will be a grandmother in February! Pat also visited with son Sam in Benicia and they toured the California Coast.
Kaitlin Van Ryn and mom Patti took a road trip with their 4-month-old Golden Retriever to Oregon and Washington where they visited friends and family. Then they came home driving the coast all the way. It was a gorgeous trip. Andre was busy holding down the homefront and the fire department.
The River Journey raft house has a new coat of paint. Looking good!
Condolences from Knights Ferry go out to Joy Bloomingcamp and her family on the death of her husband Bill.
Carol Davis helped her son Bruce celebrate his birthday with his family and trip to the cabin and his favorite German chocolate cake!
September 7th Rite Aid will have a flu shot clinic in the Ferry so put that on your calendar.