Happy birthday May babies! I hope you are all enjoying your birthdays by remembering all things you are grateful to have in your life: Jeanette Krick, Gary Page, Mary Sue Shearer, Sue Schlageter, Wendy Feichter, Rilyn Cassaretto, Vincent Peterson, Deagan Sweet, Bob Hunter, Hanna Holland, Chris Lopez, Maria Arias, Kelly Stanley, Jamie Coston, Laura Simons, Dave “Gee Whiz” Azevedo, Dave Simons, Samantha Blanc, Emalee Watson, Wyatt Birdsong, Madison Watson, Hayden Sundberg, Grace Feezell, Jacelyn McDonald, Bella Link, Maddox Link, Lucas Link, and Zoie Vierra.
This is Week 3 of celebrating Knights Ferry School’s 8th graders! At this time during a typical school year, the 8th graders would be finalizing their class wills and the parents would be frantically shopping for graduation decorations. One of the perks of graduating the 8th grade from Knights Ferry School is the graduation itself. The class customizes the graduation by choosing the graduation colors, theme, walk-in and walk-out songs, and preparing their speeches. During graduation, the class does a “class history” by listing the students who came and went throughout the years and a class favorite memory for each grade year. Another thing I enjoy about graduation is every 8th grader has a speaking part during the graduation ceremony; even the shyest students brave the microphone to enjoy some of their final moments at Knights Ferry School. Congratulations to this week’s highlighted graduates: Molly Link and Wyatt Sousa!
Molly Link came to Knights Ferry in January of her 5th grade year. One of her best memories at Knights Ferry School was creating MAFM-Memes and Funny Memories with Chloe. They were able to remember lots of good times at school. She was really looking forward to the 8th grade trip and the last day of school trip/outing. Someday, Molly wants to open a business to give animals a second chance called Rainbow Bridge. Molly enjoys hanging out with her friends, listening to music, and singing. She chose the most realistic items to bring on a desert island; flare, tarp, flint and steel, machete, and a canteen. I could see her on the show “Survivor”! If Molly was given a million dollars, she would share it with her family and save the rest for college and savings.
Wyatt Sousa is another homegrown Knights Ferry Bobcat and has attended Knights Ferry since Kindergarten. He will miss the friendly students and staff and the Thanksgiving Feast! His favorite memory of all time at Knights Ferry School was going to 6th grade camp. Wyatt enjoys fishing so I wasn’t surprised that a fishing pole was included in his list of five items he would take with him on a deserted island! Wyatt would bring a fire starter, a water filtration unit, a boat, knife, and of course, a fishing pole to survive on a deserted island. His future career goal is to work in emergency medical service. Good luck, Wyatt!
Measure Q did not pass and the Fire Protection committee is seeking alternative solutions to help bring fire protection to our area. Knights Ferry is just one section of the designated territory but the Fire Protection committee is working to bring solutions for better protection for all.
Post Mistress Dolly Haskell has announced that face coverings (to cover the nose and mouth) must be worn in the Post Office until further notice.
Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.