Happy birthday Jeanette Krick, Gary Page, Mary Sue Shearer, Sue Schlageter, Wendy Feichter, Rilyn Cassaretto, Vincent Peterson, Deagan Sweet, Bob Hunter, Hanna Holland, Chris Lopez, Maria Arias, Kelly Stanley, Jamie Coston, Laura Simons, Dave “Gee Whiz” Azevedo, Dave Simons, Samantha Blanc, Emalee Watson, Wyatt Birdsong, Madison Watson, Hayden Sundberg, Grace Feezell, Jacelyn McDonald, and Zoie Vierra.
The East Stanislaus Fire Safe Council community presentation last Thursday was well attended. There were presentations from CalFire, PG&E, Oakdale Rural Fire Department, and the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s department. The presentation included resources available to the public and how each entity can help. If you were not able to attend the meeting in town, they have scheduled the same presentation to be held at the Bianchi Center in Oakdale on June 10, 2021 at 5:30pm.
Congratulations Lane and Bri Murray! The newlyweds were married last weekend.
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com