A great big “Thank You!” from the Boyers to the Knights Ferry lawn ferries. Jim came home from the hospital and Diane and Jim were surprised to find their lawn had been mowed and things weed-eated and trimmed. Seems Martha Harding and helpers from the 50’s Roadhouse went to work on the Boyer yard since Jim could not do it. It is nice to have such good friends!
Thursday, February 26th is the MAC meeting at the clubhouse at 7 p.m. This is your government at work so come to the meeting to see what is happening in town. These are the people to see if you are concerned about something in town. The Army Corps is planning on charging $4.00 a carload to park at the park. This might affect the town (not sure it is on the agenda).
March is marching in so here are some dates for your calendar:
March 1st is Breakfast in the Ferry at the I.O.O.F. Hall. The price has been raised to $6.00 (still a deal).
March 5th is the Community Club meeting at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse. It is a dessert meeting. Plans will be finalized for the Spaghetti Dinner. Please bring your auction items to the meeting.
March 10th is the meeting of the History and Museum Associates at 10 a.m. at Miller’s Hall with the Peddler’s Faire on the agenda.
March 12th is the Knights Ferry School board meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
March 20th is the MAC meeting at 7 p.m.
March 21 and 22 is the Civil War reenactment in the Ferry. This is always a great time and a good learning experience for students to see just how it was back then.
March 21st is the community Spaghetti Dinner at the clubhouse from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The last battle for Saturday is at 4 p.m. so plan on eating in the Ferry. Adult tickets are $7.00 and children are $4.00. There will also be a raffle with great prizes.
March 28th is the Parent/Teacher Club’s annual Dinner and Auction. This event is always fun with a good dinner by the Borba family and some wonderful items to bid on. The students have been working hard on their class projects for the live auction. Tickets go on sale March 2, at the school.
Congratulations Kaeli Sturtevant on being chosen Homecoming Queen for Oakdale High School.