Once again, the weather was a factor in the town events but only for a short time. The rain poured in the early morning hours of the Car Show set up but the clouds cleared around 9:30 a.m. Cars came rolling into town and parked on the Main Street soon after. The Car Show committee rolled with the punches from Mother Nature and made the most of the gorgeous early afternoon! Some of the cars had a little history printed up about the make and model of the car and about the car itself. It was very helpful for people like me who enjoy looking at the cars but do not know much about cars! The music filled the streets of town and people seemed to enjoy the sunshine and small-town atmosphere of Knights Ferry. The Church Bazaar Fundraiser had various items for sale inside the Community Club. I purchased decorated rocks by Knights Ferry school students and note cards featuring iconic buildings in town drawn by Betty Irvine. They had really unique items such as succulent arrangements and rock sculptures.
On Thursday at the Community Club meeting, Lisa Dolling reported the Spaghetti Feed was successful even with the weather forecast showing a bit of doom and gloom! Thank you, Lisa, for stepping up to plan the food and Gail McKinley for setting up the raffle.
Line Dancing with Linda will start at the Community Club on Monday mornings from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The first date is scheduled is April 16th. It is a $5 donation and men and women of all ages are welcome.
April 18th the Knights Ferry Junior High students are raising money for their trip to Washington, D.C. at Cocina Michoacana. The group will receive 20 percent of food and drink purchases from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
This month, the entire school will participate in science fair. The younger grades are doing class projects or small group projects and some of the mini inspired scientists are entering their very own projects. The older grades are submitting individual projects. The projects will be available for the public to view sometime the fourth week of April. It is very exciting for the school to have its very first science fair! The projects feature a trifold presentation board and journal documenting their experiments.
Good luck to the students attending the spelling bee at Gratton School on April 13th! Go Bobcats!
Knights Ferry students are signing up to perform at the Talent Show on May 3rd. This is a free family and community event at the school! Everyone is invited to bring chairs and blankets and enjoy the show.
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Thursday, April 12th at 5:30 p.m. School Board meeting
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.