I almost forgot to wish a very happy birthday to Sasha Sinkevich, Grant Wright, Mike Wright, Sally Goehring, Kelli Sinkevich, Lynn Duckworth, Phillip Frymire, Breanna Banks, Cassandra Padilla, Michel Griesner, Ken Raven, Will Haskell, Nikita Sinkevich, Christine Fortuny, Jonna Ohe, Troy Peterson, James Peterson, Madison Willis, Jim Mangante, Leta Luta, Tristan Voortman, Pablo Martinez, Holly Conde, Bowen Sundberg, D’Angelo Watson-Sims, Bertin Pineda-Medina, Sterling Shearer, and Jordan Lewis! September babies have the best birthday weather!
Love Knights Ferry is Saturday, October 5 starting at 8am! Bring your rakes, shovels, and empty garbage cans to tidy up the town! This is a great way to get the family out to do a good deed and help keep our town clean! A lot of people share their opinion about the garbage left around and the community agrees so please bring your gloves and trash pickers on Saturday morning.
The Community Club yard sale is set for October 6, 2019 from 7am-2pm on Main Street in Knights Ferry! Multiple families have already reserved their spot so be sure to let Megan Peterson know if you would like to reserve your free spot at 209-402-4761. In addition to the yard sale, the Odd Fellows will have their pancake breakfast starting at 8am! Make sure to tell your friends and family!
Important meeting alert! There will be a Community Fire Protection meeting on October 7, 2019 at 6pm at the Valley Home Fire Station (13200 Valley Home Road, Oakdale). This is the community’s opportunity to provide input on the level of fire protection and emergency medical services in our community and the resulting level of funding.
Be sure to bring your state issues or concerns to the district staff during the Mobile District hours in Knights Ferry on October 21, 2019 from 4:30pm-5:30pm in the Miller’s Hall Library (behind the Creamery).
I love Knights Ferry School’s spirit! They’ve been having spirit weeks with themed dress days, rallies to get the kids pumped up, and I enjoy listening to their morning chant and pledge before school starts! Keep up the positive work, Bobcats!
Lily Sturtevant, a 7th grader at Knights Ferry School coordinated a “See you at the Pole” event and invited her peers to come to pray for our country, school, classmates, and families. Way to go, Lily! Thank you for taking the initiative to bring light to our little school on the hill.
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Saturday, Oct. 5 from 8am-12pm Love Knights Ferry
Sunday, Oct. 6 from 8am-12pm Odd Fellows pancake breakfast & yard sale
Monday, Oct. 7 at 6pm Fire Protection meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 9:00am Miller’s Hall meeting
Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Rebekahs #361 meeting
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.