Happy birthday to all with a March birthday: Tom Wright, Rick Maisel, Shavon Haskell, Rocky Goehring, Pat Ramont Johnson, Aaron Hodge, Brendt Ohe, Aislin Finn, Richard Bell, Kara Lopez, Amber Coston, Gayle Higgins, Mark Schlegal, Kim McCarthy, Wendy Burns, Grant Page, Luke Dickens, Levi Dickens, Taylor Kelley, Bryce Anderson, Anthony Neely, Carter Sturtevant, Ken Morris, Joseph Morua, Jude Krick, Gerardo Martinez, Paislee Barlow, Xochitl Vau-Vegas, Everett Holtsman, Huxley Alomia-Higgins, Demi Moore, and John Merritt!
The Civil War reenactments came to town as promised! The crowds sat on the lush green hillside to overlook the battles enjoying the good weather and the views. I don’t know if there is an official name for that hillside but I have always called it “Civil War Hill” but I have heard it called “Heart Attack Hill”. It was great to have the American Civil War Association (ACWA) back in town for the weekend. Many of the reenactors supported the Community Club spaghetti fundraiser and held a Civil War Era Ball out on the Odd Fellows tennis courts. They had lovely music and people were dancing. The spaghetti fundraiser was extremely successful selling over 200 dinner tickets. John Pfefferle led the committee of helpers with Glen Shore stepping in and doing a fantastic job preparing the noodles and helping to prepare the night before. One of my favorite touches was the table centerpieces provided by the Garden Club. It was a great evening and the Club was happy to see lots of old and new faces in the building!
The local businesses were also very busy with the visitors over the weekend. I would like to congratulate Rick Maisel and Jason Sweet for a five-win streak on the pool table at the Saloon on Saturday night!
Up next is the Knights Ferry Car Show on Main Street on April 1, 2023 from 9am-3pm. It will be a great day to walk down Main Street enjoying a variety of car shows and live music! The event is free to attend and is family friendly. There will be plenty of places to grab a bite to eat, a cold drink, or a tasty snack.
Large vehicles or trucks and trailers should not travel through Knights Ferry on Saturday, April 1 from 6am-3pm. Traffic is detoured around the main road in Knights Ferry due to the Car Show. Traffic will detour down a one-way narrow road with sharp turns. Expect traffic delays and please be patient with the traffic control volunteers!
The Odd Fellows will serve their pancake breakfast both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. They will have plenty of pancakes and hot coffee for everyone!
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.
Weekly reminders: Knights Ferry Car Show on April 1, 2023 from 9am-3pm. Odd Fellows Pancake breakfast on April 1 and 2 from 8am-12pm. Odd Fellows Stanislaus #170 meeting on April 4, 2023 at 7pm.