The Knights Ferry Museum is seeking docents who are available for three hours at least one Sunday a month. Docents will be trained in museum layout and content including stories and history of the town. The minimum age requirement is 12 years of age and community service hours will be recognized. Youth volunteers must be accompanied by an adult volunteer. This is a fantastic way to learn about the history of Knights Ferry! Interested parties should contact Heather Voortman at 209-531-5292.
The Knights Ferry Junior High students who attended Washington, D.C. have returned safely to Knights Ferry! They had a whirlwind trip visiting many museums and historic monuments on the East Coast. Their grueling schedule included the Jamestown settlement, Williamsburg, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Arlington National Cemetery, Capitol Hill, The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, The White House, Memorials for WWII and Vietnam, and so much more. Deagan Sweet’s favorite parts included the Changing of the Guard at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Twilight Tattoo. The Twilight Tattoo is The United States Army’s outdoor ceremonial concert.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) starts Monday, June 26 through Thursday, June 28 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. The kids will sing songs, learn a simple Bible verse, make a craft, and eat a delicious snack! There is no fee for attendance but they do an offering during worship time. The offering typically is donated toward a specific goal announced at VBS. VBS is open to any and all who wish to attend.
A long-awaited release party for the late Ryan Russell’s newly completed album, The Tumbleweed Sessions was held at the Knights Ferry General Store. The album is a collaboration of songs of Ryan and his guitar recorded in 2010 with a full band complement of family and close friends. Ryan’s family and friends began fundraising to complete his album back in September 2016. The cover features watercolor artwork by Brett Dennen in memory of Ryan Russell. Congratulations to everyone who helped to make this dream come true!
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at