Annual Fourth of July picnic at the Community Club is July 5th at 6pm. The entire community and surrounding is invited! The Club will provide hot dogs, chips, utensils and they ask that each family brings a side dish or dessert to share. It will be a great time to get to know the Community. Please note the date is July 5th not July 4th! See you then!
Nancy Patton has done a beautiful job with the Knights Ferry Made store located in Miller’s Hall. She has just added a beautiful line of soaps to her shop. Check the store’s Facebook for hours.
The river flows have lowered to approximately 500 CFS and both locals and tourists are flooding the river in their rafts and kayaks. The cold river temperatures around 59 degrees Fahrenheit helped keep them cool over the weekend! Typically, with all fun comes a lot of garbage in and around the river. A great morning activity for the family is looking for garbage in town and on the hiking trails. Take a quick walk with the dog or with the kids before it gets too hot! Everyone will benefit from a little exercise and keeping our area tidy. The Libertarian Party of Stanislaus County recently hosted a day of rafting and river clean up. Thank you for your proactive approach to keep our area clean!
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Sunday, July 1 at 8am ODD Fellows pancake breakfast
Tuesday, July 3 at 7:30pm ODD Fellows meeting Stanislaus #170
Thursday, July 5 at 6:00pm Annual July Picnic at the Community Club
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at