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sr float
The Class of 2023 won the Homecoming float competition. Photo By Marg Jackson

It was a week of celebration in Oakdale, capped off with a huge Homecoming win in The Corral for the varsity football team. Along the way, the Friday afternoon parade saw the Senior Class Float – with their theme of Jurassic Park – coming away as the winner while the Junior Class was voted as the downtown window painting winner.

 As part of the festivities during Friday night’s football games, the crowning of the Homecoming Queen and Princess was conducted. The new royals announced were Queen Trista French and Princess Jayci Volonte. Both the JV and varsity football teams were big winners as well. Prince and King are still to be announced. They will be named during the Powder Puff game, set for Oct. 11.

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Chosen as 2022 Homecoming Princess was Jayci Volonte, left, and Trista French named as Homecoming Queen. Photo By Jeff Kettering.