Stanislaus County Health Services Agency is issuing routine updates on the state of the county. Officials note that “this is an evolving situation” and they are acting on the most current information available from credible sources. To access the most up to date information, visit Local information is available at For daily updates, text STANCOVID19 to 888-777.
Key messages include:
• Stay home except for essential needs (Governor’s Stay Home Order);
• Practice social distancing and good hygiene (handwashing, disinfecting surfaces/objects, etc.);
• Stay informed from credible sources;
• Self-care (stress management, mental health resources, etc.).
Current Status:
As of Saturday, March 28, 2020, Stanislaus County has 29 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, no deaths, and 783 negative tests. Statistics for neighboring counties are as follows (per their respective websites):
• Alameda County: 240 confirmed cases, six deaths;
• Calaveras County: Three confirmed cases, no deaths;
• San Joaquin County: 101 confirmed cases, four deaths;
• Mariposa County: No confirmed cases, no deaths;
• Merced County: Seven confirmed case, no deaths;
• Santa Clara County: 591 confirmed cases, 25 deaths;
• Tuolumne County: No confirmed cases, no deaths.
In California, as of March 28, 2020, there are 5,065 confirmed cases and 105 deaths (Johns Hopkins).