Community Briefs provides a listing of events and activities going on in and around the Oakdale, Riverbank and Escalon areas. To have an event featured, e-mail the information to
Zoom In For League Meeting
All are invited and encouraged to join the League of Women Voters of Stanislaus County via Zoom for a meeting this week. The session is scheduled on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 6:30 p.m. and the public is invited to join the League’s continuing series on Criminal Justice Reform in Stanislaus County. Kate Trompetter and a guest will provide an update on the progress of Project Resolve, a network of every law enforcement agency in Stanislaus County and many community partners convened by Sheriff Jeff Dirkse after the death of George Floyd. Their mission is to build trust and strong relationships between law enforcement and the community. Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP before noon on Sept. 15.
Soroptimist Mixer
Community members are invited to ‘FALL’ for Soroptimist International of Oakdale during the group’s annual membership mixer. The mixer is a way for all the club members to introduce themselves and explain how the organization has affected them and give a new understanding of what SIO stands for. This festive fall event is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., hosted at the Oakdale Tourism and Visitors Center at 7450 River Road. To RSVP to the event, contact Chris Di Christina by Thursday, Sept. 15 at 209-606-5517.
Survivor Luncheon
Cancer survivors and their caregivers are invited to attend the upcoming Survivor Luncheon, hosted by Relay For Life of Greater Stanislaus County, scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 18. The luncheon will be staged at 1800 Baldwin Road, Hughson, and run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP to Veronica at 209-552-6967 by Thursday, Sept. 15. Join in for food, raffles and a guest speaker as we honor those in the fight against cancer.
Author Fair Slated
The Stanislaus County Library is hosting the 11th Annual Local Author Fair on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will take place outside on the 16th Street side of the Modesto Library portico. Local authors will have the opportunity to promote their works, as well as sell and sign copies of their publications. The Local Author Fair is an opportunity for members of the community to meet and support local writers of various genres. This event helps heighten public awareness of the local arts culture in an engaging and memorable way. For more information, contact Susan Lilly at 209-558-4813.
Blood Donors Sought
Though 62 percent of the population is eligible to donate blood, only about 3 percent does. Your donation is needed now. By making an appointment to help save lives with the American Red Cross, donors can pump up the blood supply and keep it from falling to shortage levels. Platelet donors are especially needed. Donors can schedule an appointment to give using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Enjoy Dancing
Check out the Golden Agers at the Riverbank Community Center on Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with dancing, socializing, live music and fun for all. All adults 55-plus are welcome. Just drop in to check it out or become a member. Fees are $5 for members and $6 for non-members. Membership is $15; contact Ellie DeJesus at 209-277-5584 or Lupe Padron at 209-573-5014. The Community Center is at 3600 Santa Fe St., Riverbank.
Weight Loss Group
All interested are welcome to join TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) a weight support group that meets in Oakdale every Monday morning from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Community United Methodist Church on Poplar. This group is open to the public and anyone interested in improving their life by losing weight can contact Audrey for more information, call 209-765-7838.
Widowed Persons Support
Oakdale Widowed Persons Group invites you to join them the first Saturday of each month for breakfast at 9 a.m. and on the third Tuesday of each month for lunch at 1 p.m.; call for locations. All are welcome to join the group no matter how long ago you lost your spouse. For more information, contact Barbara at 209-322-2184.